Image: Artwork by MInta Viski in the paediatric unit of the Wagga Wagga Base Hospital was completed as part of Stage 2 of Stage 3 of the Redevelopment. The artwork allows staff, patients and visitors to follow a mallee fowl around the unit. Monday 26 October 2020 Artist and Wiradjuri man Owen Lyons has been selected to undertake art work in the new Stage 3 building as part of the final stage of the $431 million Wagga Wagga Health Service (WWHS) Redevelopment.
Mr Lyons, who lives and works on Wiradjuri country, will focus on the Cultural Courtyard on the ground floor of the new multi-storey Stage 3 building.
The artist was selected by the project’s Art Strategy Working Group following an Expressions of Interest from Aboriginal and Torres Islander artists.
The Group also engaged with representatives from the local Wiradjuri community and Murrumbidgee Local Health District (MLHD) Aboriginal Health team members In addition, local artist Rachel Viski will continue the theme of the art work in Wagga Wagga Base Hospital’s paediatric unit to the paediatric areas of Stage 3. Ms Viski’s design allows staff, patients and visitors to follow a Mallee fowl around the unit.
In addition, Ms Viski will work with Mr Lyons to develop art work for other parts of the building. Read more here. Image: Artists Rachel Viski and Owen Lyons on the Stage 3 construction site in what will be known as Hospital Street.
Monday 10 August 2020 Murrumbidgee Local Health District (MLHD) has receved a number of Expressions of Interest (EOI) regarding the artwork in the new Wagga Wagga Health Service (WWHS) Redevelopment Stage 3 project. The EOI has now closed. Submissions are being considered by the project's Art Strategy Working Group. Monday 6 July 2020 Expressions of Interest (EOI) are being called from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (ATSI) artists as part of the third and final stage of the Wagga Wagga Health Service (WWHS) Redevelopment. The Murrumbidgee Local Health District invites ATSI artists to submit an EOI to undertake artwork for an Aboriginal Cultural Courtyard situated within the WWHS campus' new Stage 3 building. The opportunity is for artwork for the walls of the Courtyard, within the garden beds of the Courtyard, to the floor and to glass panels at the entrance of the Courtyard. Applicatons close Monday 3 August 2020. Find the EOI here. Thursday 30 April 2020 An Arts Strategy Working Group was formed in early 2020. The Group is meeting as part of ongoing discussions to maximise the benefits of integrating Arts into the Stage 3 project. The Group is now preparing an Expression of Interest (EOI) for artists to create works for the Aboriginal Cultural Courtyard and a ground floor public linkage from the new Stage 3 building to the existing Acute Services Building. The linkage will be known as Hospital Steet. Arts in Health covers all art forms including heritage, literature, visual, performing and dramatic arts. Friday 20 December 2019 The integration of Arts into the design and delivery of health services can improve health outcomes and benefit patients, visitors and staff. As outlined in the NSW Health and the Arts Framework, the main role of any integration of the arts into the Wagga Wagga Health Service (WWHS) Redevelopment is to improve health outcomes and promote health and wellbeing in the community. With the WWHS Redevelopment Stage 3 project in the design and delivery stages, Murrumbidgee Local Health District (MLHD) is calling for Expressions of Interest (EOI) from people wishing to join an Art Strategy Working Group. This group will provide feedback and advise on the arts in the new Stage 3 building. For further information, please contact Marianne Warren, Manager, MLHD Instructure and Redevelopment on email here.
For media queries regarding the Redevelopment, please contact MLHD Communications